Bushcraft Trial Day

We held our first Bushcraft day with Experience Exmoor and Jeff Adams this week.

A bitterly cold day certainly encouraged the guests to pay attention learning how to quickly and effectively start a fire. The day was planned as a taster day to introduce people to outdoor skills such as firelighting, shelter building and tool making.

Experience Exmoor are developing a programme of events and experiences for people to join in with this summer. Follow them on Twitter for information @ExpExmoor

The St Mary Lyncombe Exmoor Trust are planning some Free Bushcraft days this summer for school groups to be held at The Exmoor Centre. If you want your school to be involved get in touch



Lots more photos here at Experience Exmoor’s Facebook page:


Rigging some cover

We have been having fun at The Exmoor Centre this morning rigging up a parachute to create some covered space.

Tomorrow we are hosting an event for Experience Exmoor, we are hoping to provide some Bushcraft days at The Exmoor Centre this year and tomorrows event is a test day to get some photographs and feedback for publicty purposes.

With Exmoors unpredictable climate we put out a plea on Twitter for a Parachute and our friend Melanie Hudson came up trumps via some of her contacts with the beautiful sky-blue parachute you see in the pictures.

Neil from Experience Exmoor and I set out first thing this morning to rig up the parachute. After much Laurel and Hardy style antics trying to get ropes over branches we managed to  create something resembling a parachute creating a great covered space in the process. The ‘chute gives a welcome splash of colour in the drab winter landscape and we can’t wait to get the Bushcraft Guinea-pigs out there tomorrow for an exciting day.

Publicity 2013


We are attending a few publicity events this year, a first for us, so we thought we had better get our act together and knock up some leaflets.

As ever with us we had a budget of next to nothing so we designed the leaflets ourselves and emailed a pdf to our old friends at Arthur H Stockwell Book Publishers with a plea for help. They were as helpful as ever and Richard Stockwell had the leaflets in the post to us that day, brilliant service and laughably cheap, thanks Richard 🙂

If you have a book that you’d like to publish speak to Richard on 01271 862557 or email via their website ahstockwell.co.uk

We will be posting up a list of places you can come and meet us soon…